Monday, June 05, 2006

I Gave Blood

Last week I gave blood. It took me about an hour and a half from when I walked in the door to when I was able to leave. They really need to learn to speed things up if they want people to come back again.

I'm thinking about trying to give platelets next time to see how bad it is. My Mom and Dad both said that they would go with me if they had the time. I'm thinking of scheduling an appointment for next week. Kind of scary for someone who had never given blood until a couple of months ago because I was so scared of that needle!


Sarah said...

wow that's very admirable. i've never given blood - i'm too chicken and i practically faint when i have blood drawn for the dr. so i don't think i'd do so well. good job pam

Chris Steele said...

I've given platelets before--it's not that bad. Then again, I'm not scared of needles. But the nurses at the platelet center were MUCH better at their needle sticks than the regular blood nurses. And I like the fact that you get to sit there for two hours all snuggly under an electric blanket watching the movie of your choice.

Wendy said...

I have given blood a few times but never platelets. Pam, you should tell them about your special blood and how you shouldn't be sharing drinks with unspecial blood people like me.