Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dean's Sleeping

Dean has started to be able to lift himself up and turn his head when he's lying on his stomach. Once he turns his head to the left it looks like he might get stuck and he doesn't turn his head back to the right very well. A couple of times it looked like he might end up with his face down in the mattress, so we've started him sleeping on his back again. He still sleeps pretty well, although not as well as he used to.

My friend Brixie made me some things that have been very useful. They are posted in the picture above. They are very heavy, the outside is a very soft material and I think they are filled with rice although I'm not sure. They not only keep Dean in place really well, but they also make it possible to prop Dean on his side a little bit so he doesn't always have the same side of his head on the mattress. If you remember I said that Dean is getting a flat spot on one side of his head. He seems to eventually wriggle himself back to the side he likes, but I think his flat spot would be worse if we didn't have these to turn him the other way a little bit. Thanks Brixie! They have been very cool.

Good Things for Dean

Dean still loves to play under his hanging toys. Jake is brillant and put the mirror obove him so that he can look at himself. This can keep him entertained for over half an hour which is really good for Dean.

Hair Loss

I know it's normal after pregnancy, but sheesh, I'm sure I'll be bald in no time with the rate it's falling out. Jake is complaining about my hair being everywhere. It's even worse for me since it's coming off of MY head. It's getting all over everything!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am once again way behind in getting up pictures of Dean.

Resignation Letter

Today I turned in my resignation letter to Cal Poly Pomona. It's kind of sad considering that I've worked there for eight years. I really will miss the College of Science. It was a good job.

It turns out that my supervisor is on vacation until the 25th so I didn't have to face him yet. I might try to go over to CPP tomorrow to pick up all of my things. How sad. :(

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I can't believe it's already August. I haven't been doing a whole lot between working and taking classes. Today is my day off before I begin my next class tomorrow. I think I'm going to try to do a very fast switcheroo on Monday to change the class that I'm in. I'm supposed to teach two lessons in a class next month, but I don't know anyone who has a class. Besides that I'm way too busy with school. I'd rather use my own classroom in the future to do my lesson. I'll have to see how fast I can get another book if I can switch to a new class.

I just wanted to check in and post this cute picture of Micah from when he came to visit last week.

Below is Dean at his two month doctor visit.

And these are two pictures of dean from last week.