Friday, September 29, 2006

The Results Are In

Wendy and I are identical! It's official. After 30 years, we've found that we are not fraternal, but identical twins. I'm kind of excited to finally have my suspicions confirmed. Interesting stuff.

Below I've listed the statistical results from their analysis:

Overall odds in favor of monozygosity is: 25380223 to 1

Note: Monozygosity refers to identical siblings, as opposed to dyzogosity, which refers to fraternal siblings.

Percent Probability of Monozygosity is: 99.9999960599%

Based upon the analyses conducted, the siblings are identical with the probability listed above.


Sarah said...

wow! I really thought you guys were going to be fraternal! good job investigating.

Wendy said...

I thought we were going to be fraternal also. Crazy. So genetically we are like the same person. I'm OK with being identical to my pretty sister. : )