Monday, August 14, 2006


Here is an update on some things that have happened lately.

First, last Friday I closed escrow for the house that my Dad sold to his brother-in-law. This brings me closer to finishing the entire deal. We still have awhile before we close escrow on the house that my father is buying, but it still feels good.

Second, on Saturday Jake and I went mountain biking. It had been about three years since we had last ridden and I was very excited to get started again. We had our bikes tuned up yesterday and we're going out again tomorrow. It's fun and great exercise.

Third, I bought a laptop yesterday. I finally, for the first time ever, have my own personal laptop. It's all mine. No sharing with Jake, no more getting in trouble whenever anything goes wrong on his computer. We no longer share. Yeah!


Joanne said...

Most excellent adventures. I'm planning on getting my personal computer also. I have to have more folks tip me with I give tours at the farm. I've been on a dry streak! Congrats on the sale stuff.

Hart's Haven said...

You made me remember the times we biked together in Fullerton and Corona. It was so much fun we are alot alike we enjoy doing physical things. And to top it off we got to spend time together.

Pam said...

Mom, let me know whenever you want to go riding again. Good times!

Sarah said...

your very own computer! now that is exciting. and congratulations on the sale and on getting back on your bike.

Chris Steele said...

You have been up to exciting things--I guess you're excused from not blogging :). I currently have a laptop, but it belongs to the school, so while I do enjoy the freedom, I know that it may be fleeting.

Wendy said...

Fun stuff. I am excited for you about the laptop. I LOVE mine. Also it is cool that you are getting in some excercise. I think I am going to have a little more trouble finding the time with the baby here and I really need to lose these last pregnancy pounds. Either that or I will need to go on a large shopping spree. : )

Mel said...

What kind of computer did you get? I'm jealous, but in a good way

Pam said...

I think it's a Toshiba. Jake picked it out. It's kind of like his, but smaller.