Monday, June 09, 2008

Jake went back to work today. I hope it's not too difficult to take care of Dean by myself.

Yesterday was not a good day. I think I might have mastitis and I had a temperature of 103.3. I felt horrible but luckily Jake was awesome and took care of Dean all day. I got some antibiotics that are supposed to fix the problem, but i still have to go see the doctor tomorrow to have things checked out.

Dean was fussy for a long time last night when we were trying to go to bed. I hate hearing him cry and not being able to make him feel better. Hopefully it will be easier to put him to bed tonight.


Sarah said...

have you tried mylecan gas drops? they work wonders.

Pam said...

Anyone know where I would buy the mylecan gas drops? I'm willing to try anything.

Joanne said...

Target, Walmart, any grocery store. Put the heating pad or warm moist towels while in the shower for the mastitis.

Hart's Haven said...

I'm glad you're seeing the doctor to see if it is mastitis, make sure to drink plenty of liquids, don't stop breast feeding and get plenty of rest (if you can). Let me know what the doctor says.......

Wendy said...

Yes, you can get the drops anywhere. Hope it helps poor Dean. It doesn't hurt to try them even if you don't know for sure that it is gas since they don't hurt anything. As for the mastitis, I hope it gets better soon. That really sucks. I miss you. Call me. : )

Wendy said...

P.S. I demand more pictures. Seriously. I am Dean picture deprived!

Mel said...

The mylicon drops worked for me too. Caiden was fussy (he wouldn't burp or fart, and the mylicon drops are the only things that worked for him. It was like a little miracle.

You can always contact the La Leche League for breastfeeding issues too. It's good you saw a doctor. Stick with it...this will pass :)

I know it's hard to hear your baby crying and not know how to soothe him. Just try and get rest when you can, and know that you are a good mom who is doing everything she can

Wendy said...

I agree with Melissa's last comment completely. She words things really well. Also yes, the La Leche League may be worth looking into.