Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Vegas, Baby!

On Saturday, we left for Las Vegas. Diane's parents and sister have an enormous house there where we can hang out by the pool, sipping drinks all day. We're supposed to be leaving to go home sometime today. It's such a relaxing vacation spot.

We carpooled with Alan. Below is a picture of him fixing their computer. He just got a great new job and is thinking about going back to school in the Fall to get his Computer Science degree.

Jake was helping Alan fix their computer. This was done during the times that we weren't out playing disc golf.

Diane and Abby (Diane's niece) were hanging out in the pool catching some rays.

Emilio was looking very brown by the end of the weekend. And look at the drink Donna had. Hello!

Lisa also hung out. It was her birthday weekend and later we had brownies with candles for her to blow out.

Diane planned visiting the Shark Encounter at Mandalay Bay to help celebrate Lisa's birthday. It's an exhibit devoted to water predators. They say it's the only one is Northern America. I wonder if that's true. I guess I somehow missed getting a picture of any fish. :)

Good times!


Wendy said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Tell Lisa HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Chris Steele said...

That looks like lots of fun! I've never been to Vegas, so I'm especially jealous.