Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pam Update

On July 3rd, I went back to work three days a week. I was offered some hours counseling over at West Los Angeles College. I got back into the flow very quickly. I really like my job over there - it's interesting and is usually fun as long as it's not too busy. Jake has been working from home the three days that I go to WLAC and he seems to have an easier time with Dean than I do. I've been taking notes on the weekends to see if I can get some tips on how to get more done when I'm home. I hope no one thinks less of me when I say it felt good to go back to work. I think I don't get out enough when I'm at home since I need to do schoolwork and am way to stressed about that to go do anything fun. After I'm finished with these classes I'm probably going to have to go find new friends. I've alienated the ones I had and if I have a lot of free time I'm going to have to find something to do. Jake doesn't come home until 7pm or later every night and I'm not going to sit at home waiting for him.

Anyway, I wasn't going to say anything here until I told my Cal Poly job, but I figure the chances are low that anything will get back to them before I have a chance to turn in my notice. I just accepted a teaching position at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park for the upcoming school year. I will be teaching 9th grade Biology. I'm excited and scared at the same time. It's going to be an extremely difficult year, but I'm sure I can get through it. It's strange to realize that I won't be going back to Cal Poly Pomona. I had a really good job over there and I'll miss everything. I hope I won't regret leaving!

As for this month, my class is much easier than most of the ones in the past. Last month I had the instructor from hell. This month our instructor seems pretty laid back and seems to be a nice guy. I might actually have time to breath a little bit - which is why I'm able to take time to blog right now. And how I was able to visit Emilio and Andrew last night for a barbeque. :)

Things are going pretty well. This week I get to observe in a Biology summer school classroom which should be interesting and Wendy and Micah are coming in next weekend so we get to see family which will be very nice. I'm going to pick Wendy's brain to try to prepare for teaching next year.

Our Pasadena house is back on the market. We finally got the 2nd unit thing cleared up (at least I think it is) with the help of a friend who knew some people to talk to in LA county - thank goodness!! The bad new is that the JERK who caused all these problems for us likely cost us a ton of money. We had a previous offer to purchase the property at about $100,000-$150,000 more than we will be able to get for it right now. With the drop in the housing market we will likely make nothing on the project even with all the work we put into it. I'm just trying not to think about it so I don't get too upset. I just want to sell it and be done with it!

Lastly, I seem to have stalled with 15 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnacy weight - and I just ate a reeses pieces ice cream flurry. I really need to get my act together. Maybe when Dean is old enough I'll take him out in the jogging stroller.

That's all for now. I'm typing one handed now since Dean woke up and it's a lot slower. :)


Hart's Haven said...

Things seem to be going well! It's not terrible to say you are looking forward to going back to work, don't forget about yourself now that you're a mom. Looking forward to seeing you next weekend and of course Dean too!

Sarah said...

wow! so much going on. i don't think its at all horrible to like being at work.

yay for getting the job you wanted!

Mel said...

Congratulations on getting a new job! That sounds exciting.

The housing market is such a bummer. Hopefully, things will clear up in no time. :) Got to be positive right?

The last 15: After Caiden I struggled with my last 15 too. With Kiya, I still am toting around an extra 10. I think it's the last 10-15 that are the hardest to take off. Don't worry. It will take some time, and I'm right there with you. We will keep each other honest. :P

Wendy said...

I don't think it is bad that you are happy to go back to work. I remember being so bored at home I always wanted to get out and you are stuck there. As for the teaching, I really hope that you like it. I will try to help you as much as I can. The house thing sucks SO BAD but I will not talk about it any more so I don't make you any more upset. Also the weight issue. don't worry to much. Just watch what you are eating a little bit. My saying is, "9 months on and 9 months off". You still have time. See you this weekend. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Pam, I think you look great. Remember Dean is only less than two months old. I know you will be able to lose those last few pounds.

Being a stay-at-home mom can be very rewarding, but no matter what you do, you are still a terrific mom.

Brixie said...

Happiness can come to a family in a million different ways. A happy mommy is the 1st step to a happy home, so I think you should do what makes you happy. A couple of my evening Stroller Strides moms went back to work right away and their kids (now 1 and 2) are extremely happy. In fact they love going to daycare because they get to have fun and play with other kids all day. Do what makes your family happy!