Monday, April 21, 2008

Cat Fight at 1am

Last night Jake and I woke up at 1pm to hear a huge cat fight going on on our back patio. Jake jumped out of bed - I moved much more slowly - and ran out the door to save Seven. He saw the other cat go into our garage while Seven hightailed it out of the patio into the front yard for safety. Jake went into the garage while I got our squirt bottle and we proceeded to scare the living daylights out of the cat that had trapped itself in our garage. I actually felt really bad because the cat looked so scared, but I'm hoping that he won't be coming back to bother Seven and eat her food. And for those soft hearted folks out there, this cat did not look he needed Seven's food. It's obviously owned by someone who takes care of him.

So Jake used the water bottle and chased the cat around squirting him while I remained out of harms way. This lasted less than 30 seconds before the cat realized that the best escape was to exit the open garage door and exit back out of the patio through the hole. It was kind of funny to watch Jake running after the cat trying to squirt it as it lunged through the hole as quickly as possible. And again, for you soft hearted folks, the temperature probably was somewhere around 60 degrees, so I don't think it hurt the cat at all to be squirted. Of course, he probably thought we were trying to kill him.

I tried to call Seven to give her some comfort but she was nowhere to be found, so I figured she was probably OK and we went back to bed. Jake was tossing and turning for an hour and neither of us could sleep. Then just after 2am Jake finally got up (he couldn't sleep) and went back out the door to the patio and called Seven over and gave her some pets and sweet talk for a few minutes. I asked how she was and he told me Seven seemed to be doing really good and was actually pretty happy.

The next day Jake mentioned that he couldn't sleep for that hour and I said that the cat fiasco didn't help either of us to get to sleep. He then said that he couldn't sleep because he kept thinking that another cat could come back at any time to bother Seven and she shouldn't have to worry about that since it's her back yard area. He had been trying to think of what he could do to keep the other cats out. Now I think that's very sweet that he was so concerned about Seven that he couldn't sleep. It also could have been that he doesn't want another cat in the backyard eating the cat food that we have to pay for, but I like to think that it's because he was concerned about our cat. :)


Hart's Haven said...

That is sooo sweet! Jake is a good guy. Maybe at night just before you go to bed you could shut the garage door until morning so that seven is safe in there. Remember there are coyotes that come into the area at night. I don't know if she could always make it under the fence.

Wendy said...

That is really sweet that Jake was so concerned it sounds like he is ready to have a baby to worry about.

Mel said...

That is really sweet. He is nesting. :)