Before Dean came along I think I only changed one diaper in my entire life. And for the first few days of Dean's life, Jake was on diaper duty while I was recovering. But eventually it was time for me to learn and I've found that it's true that my own baby's diaper changes are much different than changing someone else's baby. I know this is true because I wasn't too grossed out by the following events:
For Dean's first diaper that I changed, Jake went in with me to instruct and explain what I should be doing. Dean peed on me in the middle of the diaper change and Jake was shocked and said he'd never done that to him before. He also assured me that this was not the norm.
The second diaper change he peed on me again. Jake assured me that this is not the norm. Uh huh.
The third diaper change he pooped when I put down the new diaper. Jake assured me that this doesn't happen often.
The fourth and fifth I came away unscathed. I'm getting comfortable and thinking that maybe the previous instances really are odd.
The next time Jake wasn't home when this happened. I went to change Dean's diaper which was only pee and as I lifted his legs to put the new diaper down, he let loose with a bowel movement. I don't even know how to explain what happened. Poop went shooting out of his bum, flying across the room splattering everything in it's path. I swear the wall five feet away was hit with runny poo. I put his bottom down as quickly as possible and A LOT more came out. Needless to say, runny poo was on everything. Next I tried to move Dean so that poo didn't get all over him and he started to pee which went the opposite way than his poo had. It got on my sweater as well as everything that he hadn't been able to get his poo on.
Jake now firmly believes that Dean knows it's me and will do this again. He had me wake him up tonight to change Dean before I fed him because he didn't want any messes in the middle of the night. So far Jake has not been peed or pooed on even once. Dean has been saving these special gifts just for me. :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Labor Experience
On Wednesday, May 21st at about 10am I started having some pretty regular contractions about 10 minutes apart. I called Jake who came home, but the contractions never really changed and weren't very painful, so we decided to just wait until the next day since we were being induced anyway. On the way to the hospital the next morning, the contractions started getting a little painful, but again, didn't really get very bad.
We got to the hospital at 6am on Thursday, May 22nd and they induced labor at 8am. They began increasing the amounts of pitosin and the contractions began to get very painful. Sometime later, I began having extreme back pain and it turned out that it was back labor since he was facing the wrong way. They let me have an epidural at only 3 cm because of this.
After a little while, Dean's heartbeat was dropping during the contractions, so they took me off the pitosin and waited for two hours, then began again to see if it would help. This time things worked a bit better, but Dean still took forever to slowly work his way down. Eventually I was at 10 cm, but my water hadn't broken yet so a doctor came in to do it without waiting for it to break on it's own.
It's too long of a story to tell, but my evening nursing was absolutely horrible and kept telling me to wait an hour, then another hour, then another and so on until I finally couldn't take it anymore and told her to call the doctor to see if there was anything we could do that didn't require waiting for hours without anything happening. An example of my nurse's stellar abilities came sometime that evening when I told her that I would like to get more epidural because I was feeling pain. I could even move my legs a little bit and was starting to feel my lower body. She didn't really want to, but finally called the anestisiologist who told the nurse that when one of the lights was red, that meant the epidural had stopped and that she should call him. My epidural had been off for at least an hour or two. I was not impressed with her abilities or her attitude.
Another nurse came in to help out sometime later since nothing was happening and my nurse was not helping very much. She had me try to push to see what would happen. Dean's heartbeat would drop each time I pushed, so the doctor decided to come in at that point.
The doctor told us that she wanted to see if we could get Dean out in three contractions (three pushes per contraction) using a vacuum pump to help get him out. If that didn't work, we would need to have a c-section. The vacuum slipped off his head a few times. The last time, his head was part way out already and Dean's heartbeat was dropping, so she gave me an episiotomy (a pretty bad one) to get him the rest of way out. Poor Dean was born with a big lump of spongy blood under his scalp because of the vacuum. It will get hard and then slowly dissolve over the next year.
Otherwise, Dean is beautiful and a very good baby. I have some time to blog right now because he is sleeping. :) I'll add more if I can think of anything else.
We got to the hospital at 6am on Thursday, May 22nd and they induced labor at 8am. They began increasing the amounts of pitosin and the contractions began to get very painful. Sometime later, I began having extreme back pain and it turned out that it was back labor since he was facing the wrong way. They let me have an epidural at only 3 cm because of this.
After a little while, Dean's heartbeat was dropping during the contractions, so they took me off the pitosin and waited for two hours, then began again to see if it would help. This time things worked a bit better, but Dean still took forever to slowly work his way down. Eventually I was at 10 cm, but my water hadn't broken yet so a doctor came in to do it without waiting for it to break on it's own.
It's too long of a story to tell, but my evening nursing was absolutely horrible and kept telling me to wait an hour, then another hour, then another and so on until I finally couldn't take it anymore and told her to call the doctor to see if there was anything we could do that didn't require waiting for hours without anything happening. An example of my nurse's stellar abilities came sometime that evening when I told her that I would like to get more epidural because I was feeling pain. I could even move my legs a little bit and was starting to feel my lower body. She didn't really want to, but finally called the anestisiologist who told the nurse that when one of the lights was red, that meant the epidural had stopped and that she should call him. My epidural had been off for at least an hour or two. I was not impressed with her abilities or her attitude.
Another nurse came in to help out sometime later since nothing was happening and my nurse was not helping very much. She had me try to push to see what would happen. Dean's heartbeat would drop each time I pushed, so the doctor decided to come in at that point.
The doctor told us that she wanted to see if we could get Dean out in three contractions (three pushes per contraction) using a vacuum pump to help get him out. If that didn't work, we would need to have a c-section. The vacuum slipped off his head a few times. The last time, his head was part way out already and Dean's heartbeat was dropping, so she gave me an episiotomy (a pretty bad one) to get him the rest of way out. Poor Dean was born with a big lump of spongy blood under his scalp because of the vacuum. It will get hard and then slowly dissolve over the next year.
Otherwise, Dean is beautiful and a very good baby. I have some time to blog right now because he is sleeping. :) I'll add more if I can think of anything else.
Dean Jacob Hester
Monday, May 19, 2008
Labor Will Be Induced on Thursday, May 22nd
Jake and I went to the doctor this morning and have set up an appointment to have labor induced on Thursday morning (May 22nd) at 6am. Yuck, is the sun even out at that time?
We also confirmed that Baby Hester is indeed a boy. We got a good ultrasound view of that important part of his anatomy.
I'll keep everyone posted.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Eye Infection :(

If Melissa was here I'd ask her for some of her breast milk. :) For those of you who didn't read her blog, it seems that breast milk has been known to cure eye problems in infants, so hey, why not in my cat?
May 16 - Doctor Appointment
Today they checked the movement of the baby and the amniotic fluid levels. Everything looks great. I have another appointment on Monday to do the same thing. I have a feeling that they will induce next Friday if the baby hasn't come yet. I can't believe I'm only three days late right now. It seems like he should have come weeks ago. I suppose we are getting impatient. :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
May 15th - Still No Baby
I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow at 10:45am. I'll let everyone know how that goes.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
May 14th - No Baby Yet
Just an update for anyone who's wondering. Yesterday was Baby Hester's due date but he's being stubborn and has refused to be born. Jake says he's taking after me.
For those of you who knew that I took a test for preeclamsia, the results came back negative, so we don't need to worry about that. Jake was a bit disappointed since I might have been induced and we could have seen Buddy sooner. :)
I'll try to remember to keep posting on Baby watch 2008. I know there are a lot of anxious people out there.
For those of you who knew that I took a test for preeclamsia, the results came back negative, so we don't need to worry about that. Jake was a bit disappointed since I might have been induced and we could have seen Buddy sooner. :)
I'll try to remember to keep posting on Baby watch 2008. I know there are a lot of anxious people out there.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Target's Return Policy - It CAN Get Worse!
I hope everyone remembers my previous post regarding Target's crappy return policy - you can't return anything more than $20 and you can only return items twice a year without a receipt.
At the Target by my house they let me complete two returns up to $20.
Today I decided to get a few more things returned so I called up my dad and asked him to go with me to Target. But this time I went to the one by his house. I won't get too much into my experience, but by the end of the fiasco I found that the Target in Fullerton will only let you return two ITEMS under $20 twice a year. So at the end of that experience I finally told them to void the transaction that Dad was helping me with and I dragged him over to the Target by my house where they still let us return more items per transaction.
I really couldn't believe it could get any worse, but there it is, it actually can. Can you imagine needing to return items from a baby shower and only being able to return two items per person?! There's no way! I am so upset with Target right now. No one should EVER register there. I'm definitely warning people away from them in the future.
At the Target by my house they let me complete two returns up to $20.
Today I decided to get a few more things returned so I called up my dad and asked him to go with me to Target. But this time I went to the one by his house. I won't get too much into my experience, but by the end of the fiasco I found that the Target in Fullerton will only let you return two ITEMS under $20 twice a year. So at the end of that experience I finally told them to void the transaction that Dad was helping me with and I dragged him over to the Target by my house where they still let us return more items per transaction.
I really couldn't believe it could get any worse, but there it is, it actually can. Can you imagine needing to return items from a baby shower and only being able to return two items per person?! There's no way! I am so upset with Target right now. No one should EVER register there. I'm definitely warning people away from them in the future.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
About Me
For the last three months I've been taking classes and getting ready for the baby. I've been sooooo busy that I really haven't had time to do a whole lot. Well, Saturday was the last day of my class and I have the next month off to get ready for Baby Hester and then to have Baby Hester. Next month I then start my next class.
Since I finally have time, I figured a blog a bit.
First, baby Hester has been pushing, pushing, pushing on my right side. When I drive or sit, I usually try t0 keep my hand there because it's so weird to feel him pushing that hard. I feel like I'm trying to hold him in.
He's been moving more and more lately. I even feel him sometimes at night even though I really couldn't before.
I just went to my last night working at West Los Angeles College and I won't be working there again now until this summer - if they hopefully have some hours for part time counselors. I'm glad to have the driving over with since I drive one handed and hold Baby Hester in with the other hand. Plus it's just not that comfortable to drive anymore.
Jake has been very nice to me and has been driving us most of the time when we go places. Neither of us likes to drive so it's been a treat to get to sit in the passenger seat and brace myself for bumps and turns when needed.
As far as taking off work from Cal Poly Pomona, I'm considering whether I want to keep working or take off at the end of this week. I'm due on Tuesday, May 13th, but if I stop working and stay home, that's just more days that I won't be able to take later. So I might just stick it out and keep working. I haven't really decided yet. I just hope he's born soon - I'm hoping for this weekend sometime.
That's all for now....
Since I finally have time, I figured a blog a bit.
First, baby Hester has been pushing, pushing, pushing on my right side. When I drive or sit, I usually try t0 keep my hand there because it's so weird to feel him pushing that hard. I feel like I'm trying to hold him in.
He's been moving more and more lately. I even feel him sometimes at night even though I really couldn't before.
I just went to my last night working at West Los Angeles College and I won't be working there again now until this summer - if they hopefully have some hours for part time counselors. I'm glad to have the driving over with since I drive one handed and hold Baby Hester in with the other hand. Plus it's just not that comfortable to drive anymore.
Jake has been very nice to me and has been driving us most of the time when we go places. Neither of us likes to drive so it's been a treat to get to sit in the passenger seat and brace myself for bumps and turns when needed.
As far as taking off work from Cal Poly Pomona, I'm considering whether I want to keep working or take off at the end of this week. I'm due on Tuesday, May 13th, but if I stop working and stay home, that's just more days that I won't be able to take later. So I might just stick it out and keep working. I haven't really decided yet. I just hope he's born soon - I'm hoping for this weekend sometime.
That's all for now....
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