Poor Seven has an eye infection. Although she kind of opens her eye sometimes, she often ends up squinting and seems to have a bit of eye goobers. I'm wondering if I should bring her to the vet or not. It's probably something simple that will work itself out, but I'll feel really guilty if she gets worse and I haven't done anything about it.
If Melissa was here I'd ask her for some of her breast milk. :) For those of you who didn't read her blog, it seems that breast milk has been known to cure eye problems in infants, so hey, why not in my cat?
He will be fine just keep an eye on it. A warm face cloth will clean it up so that 7 can see.
So Pam, I'm ready how about you!
not just infants - anybody!! maybe it would work on cats.
Poor Seven. I would try the breast milk if you had it just as an experiment. Maybe Melissa can stop by. : )
haha. I have some on hand. Let me know if ya need it. hehe...someone made a comment on my blog about worry about me running around with a spray gun trying to heal the world...it seems my "powers" are needed right about now.
Poor seven.
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