Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Giving Platelets

I've made an appointment on Monday to give Platelets. It's funny how I've changed in the way I feel about experiences involving a needle. I used to be completely freaked out about shots and giving blood, but right now I'm just curious about the upcoming experience. I wonder if I'll get nervous when the time gets nearer. I'll let everyone know how it goes.


Chris Steele said...

Let me tell you--giving birth will remove any fear of needles, because you get poked with all sorts of things. They even came in at 5am the day after and woke me up to draw blood. Granted, that woman was amazing, and I didn't feel a thing (literally).

Sarah said...

yeah but it wears off - at least for me. by the time i got pregnant with isaiah i was needle wary again.

Wendy said...

These comments are so not what I wanted to hear right now. Good luck Pam.

Joanne said...

Needles are no biggy! Plus you can earn money by donating platelets. Think of the money!

Pam said...

What money? I'm doing this for free.... you mean I could be making $ for this? Hmmmm.... :)

Sarah said...

you can get paid???!!!? that is worth looking into.