I didn't get a picture of the fireplace before we started, but there was very old, cracked and broken cement where we are now laying down tiles. Jake got these tiles at a place that sells house stuff for super cheap when people have extra or old stuff that they don't want any more. Jake picked up these tiles for about $20 when we decided to fix the fireplace. We tried a few different patterns and took pictures so we could decide which was the best. This design won.
This picture was taken before we used morter to lay down the tiles. I'm supposed to pick up grout on the way home from work today so we can finish. I'll try to show a finished picture later.

Jake cut the tile while I watched and kept him company. Actually, I was responsible for rinsing and drying the tiles after they were cut.

And while we laid tiles Alex was busy playing video games. :)
You guys are so handy. Compared to you two Jeff and I can hardly tie our own shoe laces. If I ever get a place of my own and do stuff to it I will definitely know who to call. : ) Actually before I got a place of my own I would be calling... thanks for being such a sweetie. I always know you will help me with anything I need. Now if I can somehow figure in long distance diaper changes. : )
That is a great job. That's incredible.
The tiles look great--cute pattern. And I have been in that support role (watching, moral support, holding the tape measure) many times, so I know what it feels like :).
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