Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Resignation Letter

Today I turned in my resignation letter to Cal Poly Pomona. It's kind of sad considering that I've worked there for eight years. I really will miss the College of Science. It was a good job.

It turns out that my supervisor is on vacation until the 25th so I didn't have to face him yet. I might try to go over to CPP tomorrow to pick up all of my things. How sad. :(


Mel said...

It is always sad to close a chapter of your life, but it is exciting when a new one begins.

Joanne said...

I do understand how you feel. It was awful for me when I left Knott's after 11 years.

Wendy said...

Wow, 8 years seems like a really long time. A little sad but I hope you really like teaching. If not I am sure you could always go back to advising.

Brixie said...

YAY!!! I'm sure you're going to LOVE you new job and all the exciting things you'll be doing. Cal Poly is going to miss you so much!