First, I have had almost no time to do anything with all of the visitors coming and going. I've loved having people over, but I'm hoping that this week I'll start to get some stuff accomplished since it's bound to get a bit quieter.
On the diaper changing subject, since my last post, Jake was changing Dean's diaper on the floor in the living room sitting with Dean's bum facing him and made sure to keep him covered the whole time until the diaper switch. Well, guess what Dean was waiting for - that exact instant to let loose with another explosive poo. This time Jake himself (jeans and t-shirt) were poo splattered. Dean is sharing the love. We now are EXTREMELY careful at every diaper changing and although he often poops during the change, we've been able to catch them all since we've been more aware. Additionally, he pees at almost every changing and we are going through changing pads and clothes like crazy.
So far Dean is a very good sleeper and I have to wake him up at night to eat. I've been letting him go for at least four hours, sometimes five if I wake up too late, so Jake and I have been able to get a pretty good amount of sleep although I'm still pretty tired most of the time. It's a lot of work always thinking about what Dean might need, although I think I'm finally starting to get into the grove. I actually feel like I accomplished some things this morning. Of course, Jake was helping by holding Dean. I don't know what I'm going to do when Jake goes back to work. It's nice to have someone else here to help out.
I'll try to keep posting, but I'm going to get really busy when Jake goes back to work. I'm also starting a class today which takes a lot of time.
Here is one of my current favorite pictures of Dean...
What a cutie pie! I love how much they sleep in the beginning. I'd love to be one of those crazy visitors when you're feeling better. Maybe... July? Enjoy yourselves!
He is sooooo awesome! I can't wait to see him again, and remember when Jake goes back to work if you need me to stay in LaHabra for a week let me know. It doesn't get any better than helping take care of a baby and getting to go home each night and get a full night s sleep. Love you all!
Wow, boy is he cute. I can't believe all the trouble you guys are having changing his diaper. It hasn't happen to me yet. Looking forward to seeing Dean next week once Jake goes back to work.
He is adorable. I am glad you are getting into the groove. Just get as much rest as you can. :)
Ahhh..... I LOVE that picture. He is so cute. I can't believe these diaper changing stories. That never happened to me with Micah. What are you feeding that boy. : )
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