It's been getting really cold outside and I was feeling sorry for Seven who didn't have anyplace warm to go. She hasn't been using her house lately and I have a feeling it's become too cold. It doesn't even have carpeting around the entire inside.
She been hanging out on our back foot mat, which at least gives some extra comfort over the cement, but I still felt like she needed more so I bought her a small fleece blanket at the thrift store for $2. Originally I was going to put it inside her house to make it warmer, but it didn't quite work, so I laid it out on the back mat to give her some extra warmth and she seemed to like it better, but I still wanted something better. I wanted her to have some warmth on her sides as well. Plus I wasn't thinking about it and bought it in cream which has quickly become disgustingly dirty.
So yesterday we stopped at Walgreens and I saw a fleece cat bed - two for $10. I bought them and put one out when we got home last night. She got right in it, curled up, and was still in the same place when I got up this morning. I'm quite excited that I got something so perfect for such a good price. And I feel much less guilty about her being in the cold. :)
That is so sweet. She is such a good cat and I'm glad she has a nice warm bed.
Poor Seven. The cold is hard. Did you get rid of her dog house? Maybe you can put the bed under the BBQ so then she will be protected from the cold and wind. The BBQ had a cover that went to the ground right?
Is she not allowed in the house?
She looks very comfortable in her bed. Cats like little spaces that they can curl up in.
The BBQ idea sounds like a good one too...just remember it's there before you turn up BBQ :P
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