The neighbors have gotten really bad about blocking our driveway. It's happened too often lately. Last night I got home and was able to squeeze in and this morning I was able to squeeze out, but still, come on. Are they really that oblivious? Do they really not understand neighbor etiquette? It's really not that hard.... Thou shalt not block your neighbor's driveway!
Why don't you leave a nice little note, or go over and talk to them and let them know that you are having trouble getting out of the driveway becuase they are blocking it. Or you can always just PLOW through them. Your choice :)
Yeah, I think it might be illegal. But it's also very likely that I'm wrong.
Wow that is pretty bad. I do think it should be an obvious etiquette thing. Do you get along with them?
It is illegal but it's probably better to ask them nicely if they could park a little bit further out of the way than to plow through.
Yes, Wendy, we do get along and I did ask them to move their car very nicely the next day after I almost ran into it.
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