Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm Sore!

Wow, I can't believe how sore I am. When I went to Yoga a couple weeks ago, I must not have tried as hard as I did yesterday. My entire body hurts... neck, shoulders, back, arms, stomach, butt, and legs. This lady gives us a really good workout and we don't even sweat, which is nice since I went back to work afterward.

Today, the secretary and I are supposed to go on a jog after work. I hope it's not too hot. I'm hoping that I'll start to feel better about my health if I start exercising again.


Anonymous said...

Good Job,
Wish I could run with you. I've been running every morning, I cant't go very far yet but wish I had company. Just wait till everyone was green with envy at our new sexy bodies.
Love you,

Sarah said...

hey that's good! i think sweating is one of my least favorite parts. although it does make me feel like i've really worked out successfully if i get all red and hot. but sore must mean something was happening, huh? i might have to try this yoga stuff.