Monday, June 26, 2006

I May Have Prevented a Nervous Breakdown

This weekend, I had way to too much to do which caused me to feel very overwhelmed and completely stressed out. I was irritable with Jake, which made him irritable back at me, and he suggested I drop my Calculus class in order to prevent myself from having a nervous breakdown.

I thought about it and decided that he was probably right since I felt about ready to snap, so today I dropped the class. I ended up with a "W" in the course (after only 7 days), which I didn't think would happen if I dropped by today, so that really upset me. I called Jake and he listened to me sniffle about how aweful I was feeling and tried to cheer me up (very sweet). It's not really the "W" but everything else... I really wanted to take the class and now I'm not going to, I've put work into helping a few people find a house and none have worked out so far (which is mainly why I can't handle taking this class), and a load of other things.

On top of everything else, when I went to the front house this morning, my For Sale sign was gone. Yes, it's just plain gone. The ground post is still there, but some psycho came by and took off the top 2x4 with my sign attached. They must have knocked it off into our fence because one of our slats had also fallen off, like the sign hit it when it came off.

So I'm waiting to see if I feel more relaxed without worrying about quizes, tests, and studying. Since my main goal is to pass the CSET right now, maybe I'll see if I can get info on past tests so that I can study. At least I can do that when I feel like I have the time.


Lonnie said...

I hear ya. By the end of August I will be working two full time jobs and going to college full time. Not to mention two teenagers and a husband to try to spend time with. Oh and my hideous court case...oh wait now I have two court cases. I think I am going to go lay down now...

Sarah said...

yeah i love taking classes - and sometimes dropping them too. :)

Wendy said...

I think it is good you dropped the class becase now you will be less stressed. Also I was glad to see you without you being stressed out.