Thursday, July 24, 2008
Doctor Appointment
Dean had his two month doctor appointment on Tuesday. It was terrible to have him get his shots. He cried during the shots and then quite a bit that night. Jake has said that Dean won't sleep in our bed with us, but guess where he was that night - right in the middle of us. It was so sad to see him not feeling well. Someone suggested that next time we get some baby tylenol. I wish I would have heard about that before so I could have helped him to feel better. Poor little guy. :(
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pam Update
On July 3rd, I went back to work three days a week. I was offered some hours counseling over at West Los Angeles College. I got back into the flow very quickly. I really like my job over there - it's interesting and is usually fun as long as it's not too busy. Jake has been working from home the three days that I go to WLAC and he seems to have an easier time with Dean than I do. I've been taking notes on the weekends to see if I can get some tips on how to get more done when I'm home. I hope no one thinks less of me when I say it felt good to go back to work. I think I don't get out enough when I'm at home since I need to do schoolwork and am way to stressed about that to go do anything fun. After I'm finished with these classes I'm probably going to have to go find new friends. I've alienated the ones I had and if I have a lot of free time I'm going to have to find something to do. Jake doesn't come home until 7pm or later every night and I'm not going to sit at home waiting for him.
Anyway, I wasn't going to say anything here until I told my Cal Poly job, but I figure the chances are low that anything will get back to them before I have a chance to turn in my notice. I just accepted a teaching position at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park for the upcoming school year. I will be teaching 9th grade Biology. I'm excited and scared at the same time. It's going to be an extremely difficult year, but I'm sure I can get through it. It's strange to realize that I won't be going back to Cal Poly Pomona. I had a really good job over there and I'll miss everything. I hope I won't regret leaving!
As for this month, my class is much easier than most of the ones in the past. Last month I had the instructor from hell. This month our instructor seems pretty laid back and seems to be a nice guy. I might actually have time to breath a little bit - which is why I'm able to take time to blog right now. And how I was able to visit Emilio and Andrew last night for a barbeque. :)
Things are going pretty well. This week I get to observe in a Biology summer school classroom which should be interesting and Wendy and Micah are coming in next weekend so we get to see family which will be very nice. I'm going to pick Wendy's brain to try to prepare for teaching next year.
Our Pasadena house is back on the market. We finally got the 2nd unit thing cleared up (at least I think it is) with the help of a friend who knew some people to talk to in LA county - thank goodness!! The bad new is that the JERK who caused all these problems for us likely cost us a ton of money. We had a previous offer to purchase the property at about $100,000-$150,000 more than we will be able to get for it right now. With the drop in the housing market we will likely make nothing on the project even with all the work we put into it. I'm just trying not to think about it so I don't get too upset. I just want to sell it and be done with it!
Lastly, I seem to have stalled with 15 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnacy weight - and I just ate a reeses pieces ice cream flurry. I really need to get my act together. Maybe when Dean is old enough I'll take him out in the jogging stroller.
That's all for now. I'm typing one handed now since Dean woke up and it's a lot slower. :)
Anyway, I wasn't going to say anything here until I told my Cal Poly job, but I figure the chances are low that anything will get back to them before I have a chance to turn in my notice. I just accepted a teaching position at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park for the upcoming school year. I will be teaching 9th grade Biology. I'm excited and scared at the same time. It's going to be an extremely difficult year, but I'm sure I can get through it. It's strange to realize that I won't be going back to Cal Poly Pomona. I had a really good job over there and I'll miss everything. I hope I won't regret leaving!
As for this month, my class is much easier than most of the ones in the past. Last month I had the instructor from hell. This month our instructor seems pretty laid back and seems to be a nice guy. I might actually have time to breath a little bit - which is why I'm able to take time to blog right now. And how I was able to visit Emilio and Andrew last night for a barbeque. :)
Things are going pretty well. This week I get to observe in a Biology summer school classroom which should be interesting and Wendy and Micah are coming in next weekend so we get to see family which will be very nice. I'm going to pick Wendy's brain to try to prepare for teaching next year.
Our Pasadena house is back on the market. We finally got the 2nd unit thing cleared up (at least I think it is) with the help of a friend who knew some people to talk to in LA county - thank goodness!! The bad new is that the JERK who caused all these problems for us likely cost us a ton of money. We had a previous offer to purchase the property at about $100,000-$150,000 more than we will be able to get for it right now. With the drop in the housing market we will likely make nothing on the project even with all the work we put into it. I'm just trying not to think about it so I don't get too upset. I just want to sell it and be done with it!
Lastly, I seem to have stalled with 15 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnacy weight - and I just ate a reeses pieces ice cream flurry. I really need to get my act together. Maybe when Dean is old enough I'll take him out in the jogging stroller.
That's all for now. I'm typing one handed now since Dean woke up and it's a lot slower. :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Dean Update
Dean is getting bigger every day. At some point I stopped picking out his smallest clothes for him to wear because I assumed they wouldn't fit. I didn't say anything to Jake and last week he put Dean in one of the onsies and it was ridiculously small. He came out to show me and then went back to change his outfit. So last week I went through Dean's dresser and pulled out about 10 things that don't fit anymore. It's kind of sad to see how much he's changed, but at the same time there is a lot of good things to go along with how much bigger he's getting.
Yesterday Dean also got his first hair cut. Actually, Jake cut his hair. Dean had a mullet going on with long hair at the back of his neck. It seemed like it kept getting pulled when we held him or changed his clothes, so Jake decided it was time to cut it. It was so sad to watch his hair go - I actually thought about keeping a lock of it. I decided against keeping the hair, but I will definitely keep one of the onesies that we had to put in the too small pile. I'll keep the "Dean Jacob" shirt that Wendy made me since no one else would probably wear it anyway with Dean's name on it.
Dean has also begun to smile somewhat often. It's very rewarding to entertain him when I see him smiling back at me. He's definitely not at Kiya levels of smiling, but I hope he will be someday. :) He's been so much more aware of the things going on around him. It's getting interesting to interact with him.
On the subject of his neck turning, he's looking to the left about an inch further than before, but we're still trying to get his appointment with the physical therapist. It's been impossible to work with the doctor's offices. They're slow and don't always call back when I leave a message. I think we're going to change our pediatrician because of our bad experience with that office. Dean has started to get a noticeable flat spot on the back of his head because he ALWAYS sleeps on the side that he can look toward. I really don't want him to have a flat head on one side so Jake and I have put him to sleep on his stomach the last three nights. I know that we've been told to always have babies sleep on their backs, but for years and years and years, it was the other way around (including for most of us) and we are all alive and well, so I'm not too worried. It's hard to know which is worse since I haven't been able to talk to Dean's doctor - a flat head or sleeping on his stomach?
Yesterday Dean also got his first hair cut. Actually, Jake cut his hair. Dean had a mullet going on with long hair at the back of his neck. It seemed like it kept getting pulled when we held him or changed his clothes, so Jake decided it was time to cut it. It was so sad to watch his hair go - I actually thought about keeping a lock of it. I decided against keeping the hair, but I will definitely keep one of the onesies that we had to put in the too small pile. I'll keep the "Dean Jacob" shirt that Wendy made me since no one else would probably wear it anyway with Dean's name on it.
Dean has also begun to smile somewhat often. It's very rewarding to entertain him when I see him smiling back at me. He's definitely not at Kiya levels of smiling, but I hope he will be someday. :) He's been so much more aware of the things going on around him. It's getting interesting to interact with him.
On the subject of his neck turning, he's looking to the left about an inch further than before, but we're still trying to get his appointment with the physical therapist. It's been impossible to work with the doctor's offices. They're slow and don't always call back when I leave a message. I think we're going to change our pediatrician because of our bad experience with that office. Dean has started to get a noticeable flat spot on the back of his head because he ALWAYS sleeps on the side that he can look toward. I really don't want him to have a flat head on one side so Jake and I have put him to sleep on his stomach the last three nights. I know that we've been told to always have babies sleep on their backs, but for years and years and years, it was the other way around (including for most of us) and we are all alive and well, so I'm not too worried. It's hard to know which is worse since I haven't been able to talk to Dean's doctor - a flat head or sleeping on his stomach?
Monday, July 07, 2008
Dean Pictures
These are some current pictures of Dean. He's getting bigger and bigger every day. I wish he was wearing a more flattering outfit. I'll have to take more pics when I change his clothes.
This weekend we went to Las Vegas and Jake and I went to a play and out with friends for about six hours while Diane's mom watched Dean for us. We had a really good time and got to see friends that we don't get to see very often. I'm hoping to steal some pictures from Emilio, but I'll have to see if that happens.

This weekend we went to Las Vegas and Jake and I went to a play and out with friends for about six hours while Diane's mom watched Dean for us. We had a really good time and got to see friends that we don't get to see very often. I'm hoping to steal some pictures from Emilio, but I'll have to see if that happens.

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